When it comes to luxury items, if there is anything you can be sure of it is that someone, somewhere will create a counterfeit replica, and likely even a good one at that. When you are considering buying a used luxury watch such as a Rolex, it is important that you understand that fakes are around, and they might not always be so simple to spot.
At Pinto Gold and Jewellery Buyers, we often get asked by our customers, how to tell if a Rolex is real or not. Though in many cases a fake Rolex will be easy to spot, there is such a thing as a good copycat. We want you to feel confident about your luxury timepiece purchase, whether it is from us or from another seller. See our quick tips on how to tell if a Rolex is real for a better understanding of what to look for when shopping.
How to Tell If a Rolex Is Real?
1. Check the quality – when it comes to a Rolex watch, quality and craftsmanship are everything. All dials should move smoothly, you should not hear ticking, and there should be no material defects. Quite simply, a true Rolex will be perfect, even if used, it shouldn’t have obvious defects.
2. The real thing should feel heavy – Rolex watches are made of high-quality materials and will have some heft to them. If you are holding a supposed Rolex and it feels quite lightweight, it is very likely not the real thing.
3. It should have a magnifying lens for the date – Rolex watches have a magnifying cyclops lens to show the date. This is a luxury detail and not something you will see on most watches, even good ones, on the market. Keep a lookout for this small but important detail on Rolex watches.
4. Serial number placement matters – the serial number of a Rolex watch is located on the exterior of the watch and stamped between the watch lugs at the 6 o’clock position. Though this is an exterior marking, the watch bracelet must be removed to see it. If you see a serial number stamped on the case or somewhere more obvious, it’s not a Rolex.
Can I Check a Rolex Serial Number on My Own?
A serial number is one of the best ways to determine authenticity and if you are looking to purchase a used Rolex or have already purchased one, you’ll want to have the serial number recorded. From time to time our customers have asked us, how do I check a Rolex Serial number? To answer this, you’ll first need to know, where is a Rolex serial number located. As we touched on above, the serial number for your Rolex is located on the exterior of the watch, but it cannot be seen while wearing it.
In order to check the serial number of your Rolex, you’ll need to remove the watch bracelet. Look for the serial number between the lugs on the side of the case. The serial number should be deeply engraved into the case. If your watch does not have a serial number or the serial number is not in this spot, you have a fake Rolex. Serial numbers are typically registered by their owners in order to avoid counterfeit and theft. Always be certain of the authenticity and legality of your watch before purchasing.
Where Can I Have My Rolex Authenticity Checked?
The only way to truly tell if your Rolex is real or fake is to have it inspected and have its authenticity confirmed. Though you may be able to do this at a Rolex retail location you will likely have luck verifying authenticity with a reputable gold and jewellery buyer. Whether you are buying or selling, you’ll want to be sure that you are certain you have the real thing. Whether you are looking to sell a Rolex watch for cash or want to buy a used luxury watch, a credible and trusted gold and jewelry buyer is likely your best bet when it comes to confirming authenticity. Remember that although often obvious to spot, some counterfeit watch producers make good fakes. To avoid being duped also remember that if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
Where Can I Buy a Real Used Rolex?
If you are looking to purchase a Rolex watch, buying second-hand can be a great option. Reputation and trustworthiness matter when it comes to buying luxury timepieces. At Pinot Gold and Jewellery buyers we are a respected and reliable seller of used luxury watches. We suggest that you avoid buying luxury watches privately as it is just too difficult to be certain of the authenticity. Instead, we recommend purchasing from an expert.
Have more questions about buying or selling a Rolex watch? We are always here to help. Contact us to discuss the sale of your watch or stop by to see our current used Rolex watches for sale. We know that your Rolex is a treasured item, and we want you to get the best price possible when selling or buying. Come see how we make selling your old watches, jewellery, or gold, easier.
Rolex Watch Brands We Buy & Sell
Rolex Datejust
Showcasing its silver band and classic black dial with Roman numerals, set against a green background.
Rolex Datejust
Featuring a silver band and a classic black dial with Roman numerals, displayed on a soft cushion.
Rolex Sky-Dweller
Featuring a black dial and bold numerals, captured in a luxurious setting.
Omega Speedmaster Professional
Featuring a black dial and brown leather strap, displayed against a green backdrop.
Ulysse Nardin Marine Chronometer
Featuring a blue dial and Roman numerals, elegantly positioned for display.
IWC Schaffhausen Ingenieur
Featuring a white dial and gold casing, displayed on a sleek stand.
IWC Schaffhausen
Featuring its intricate design and gold detailing.
IWC Schaffhausen Ingenieur
Featuring a white textured dial and gold accents, elegantly presented.
Showcasing a green dial and sparkling diamonds, set against a blurred green background.
With a green dial and Roman numerals, highlighted against a green Rolex backdrop.
Featuring a green dial and diamond accents, displayed on a plush white cushion.
Rolex Sky-Dweller
Featuring a brown dial and black leather strap, elegantly displayed in its case.
Ulysse Nardin Marine Chronometer
Showcasing its blue dial and Roman numerals, against a dynamic green background.
Featuring a white dial and gold accents, set against a textured green background.